See for yourself how these dynamic videos can help your students!
Help Your Students Achieve their True Potential with Math Made Easy

You are all too familiar with the ever growing gap between students who can keep up with the pace of their math teacher and those who keep falling behind because they are not quite ready to go on to the next topic.

Math Made Easy was designed by leading educators to close this gap by giving students access to a step by step review of any math subject. The videos give special attention to areas that often give students trouble and help them with simple techniques for getting the correct answer. With paper and pencil in hand students need only to locate the areas in the course which are giving them trouble and watch the explanations as many times as necessary to achieve mastery.

4 Newly Released Common Core Curriculum programs Fractions* Decimals/Percents* Pre-algebra* Algebra

The Company's newest releases are led by teachers with an unusual knack for keeping students engaged with compelling presentations. In keeping with the design of the Common Core Curriculum, the new releases stimulate the students to think about the underlying concepts in Fractions, Decimals, Percents and Algebraic Operations.

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1. Order individual downloadable video sets
2. Order a site license for multiple classroom
      or school sites
3. Order access to online versions of new releases

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      Math Made Easy, PO BOX 190846,
      Brooklyn, NY 11219
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