Intermediate Algebra (Pre-Calculus)

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This 5 Dvd Series thoroughly reviews Intermediate Algebra and prepares students for calculus.  Step by step presentations and lots of worked out problems enable students to clarify these often confusing concepts and understand the pattern behind solving these types of problems. Colorful and illustrative diagrams help clarify concepts. Lots of interactive exercises build student skills and confidence necessary to develop mastery in Intermediate Algebra.

  • Math Made Easy tutorials simplify complex topics into easy to understand compact lessons
  • Math Made Easy’s colorful computer graphics help students visualize abstract concepts
  • Math Made Easy tutorials provide extensive interactive exercises that give students 'hands on practice'
  • Math Made Easy tutorials contain 'real life applications'
  • Math Made Easy tutorials emphasize the critical underlying concepts
  • Free access to Math Made Easy Testing Site with hundreds of practice tests to measure your progress

What Is Math made easy's Track Record?

  • 87% raised their next test score 10 points or more
  • 78% raised their math grade at least one level
  • 92% went from failing to passing pre-calculus

Best Of All It's Guaranteed!

We are very confident that our program will help you succeed. If you are not satisfied for any reason, we will refund you in full for 30 days.

Special Bonus!

Purchase Math Made Easy's Pre-Calculus Series and receive Free Access to Math Made Easy Testing Sites with hundreds of practice tests to measure your progress!

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